Thy Will Be Done!
by Barbara Marville-Kelly
What if I told you that you have EXACTLY what you need to be EXACTLY who you want to be, have and do EXACTLY what you are wanting in your life experience? That YOU were born into greatness with ALL the “Treasures, Talents, & Tools” within you for a lifetime of abundance! You have the blessing from within to tap into your own “God Given” emotional compass that will be your guide on the M.A.P. of life to take you on a path, a journey unlike any other. To be able to withstand ALL challenges in life, and come out on top, with an unstoppable, unwavering, passionate, burning desire to succeed! Imagine what it would be like to have your own “L.I.F.E. .Empower Center” you could call upon at any time, anywhere, at your EVERY beckon call, allowing you to “Master your L.I.F.E” regardless of the life situations & circumstances you face. If what I have just said resonates with you, sit back and get ready for the magnificent ride into a life that is “Simply Marvilleous!: No matter what comes your way!
You are holding a book in your hand, you have been led to read, than can be “life changing, transformational and a life without limits!” I promise !!!
My life wasn’t always a bowl of cherries! And YES, many times I felt like I was in “the pits!” After relocating, to a new residence in Florida, loss of my loved ones, after tedious care giving, financial challenges, the loss of my 28 year marriage, and becoming a single Mom, I was starting over! Starting OVER!!!
As a baby boomer “Life Coaching” was at a premium in cost! So… I found ways to coach myself, over the years, by researching the researchers and embracing as many self help books, seminars and speakers on the subject of personal growth and development. Little did I realize at the time from age 19 on, I was beginning my journey that led me to become a Certified “Life Coach!”
Learning through many life experiences, mentoring other women and living from my “heart center”, my faith and God’s universal laws of attraction, I have truly found my joy and passion in life, when I “Caught Myself Smiling” and saw “Hope on the Horizon”, a new career in Real estate , which led me to a long standing 15 year career as a Professional Television Show Host for the Home Shopping Network, meeting my Soul Mate/Husband/Life Coach/Friend , Dennis Kelly, and together, living our “Passion” to share our essential L.I.F.E. Secrets to Health/ Wellness, Longevity, Spiritual Awakening, a life of Gratitude, all grounded in a strong foundation of Love & Faith!! We share this on our global platform, Prime time TV Show, on
What beautiful women, who I adore to this day, for their never ending support and encouragement to step up, step out and be an encouraging voice for women on the same large platform we did shopping together, building a large viewing audience of just “amazing individuals” We laughed together, cried together and shopped together.
I always found myself adding an inspirational element and flair to my sales techniques, creating a special niche that allowed me to create long standing relationships over the past 30 years. It was my loyal viewers who encouraged me to author “Chasing Rainbows” which is a chapter in my book series “L.I.F.E. Empowered! L.I.F.E. Mastered! Thy Will be Done” that was planted in my heart, to write and share my learned L.I.F.E. lessons! I am a firm believer that we are all born into greatness, blessed with the “treasures, talents, tips and tools” in efforts to live a beautiful life of abundance! Sharing and living in my “N.O.W.” (Nuggets of Wisdom) brought me through my own journey into “Enlightenment” on so many levels, it is now time, N.O.W.!
I made a “Prayer Promise”, way back then, that when God pulled me through all the craziness in my life, from survival as a single Mom, standing in the Food Stamp line, my home at the time on the steps of foreclosure, crying my way thru Real Estate School, I would give back and help as many individuals as possible with all my self-taught, tried and true methods of Knowledge, Concepts, Principles, Foundations, Metaphors and HUMOR ! We can do this together!
I feel so very Blessed to be in such a grand position, looking forward to connect with you, sharing the very “Heart of MY Empowerment!” I honestly feel my contributions along with so many other “Light Workers”, in various pockets of the world , all peoples from all walks of life, we will be able to bring more people on a large scale to
“Live Life Enlightened! Empowered! Mastered!
Live a L.I.F.E. that is Simply Marvilleous!
Inspiringly yours,
Barbara Marville-Kelly 727-798-8081
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